I'm still pretty sniffly so I have just been
chilling in my PJs
kinda lounging around trying to kick this cough.
I'm perusing my social media on my phone when I start to see people
getting all bent that they can not comment on Facebook.
Little more time goes by and one by one the posts pop up
asking what is going on and reporting what they can't do on Facebook
and wondering if they are in jail.
Then the posts that Instagram is down and people start really freaking out.
For most there just have some functions disabled but for some they
can't get on and all.
And before you know it the national news outlets are talking about it and
agencies are losing it because they can't get into business manager.
And me...
I am just sitting here giggling and eating a vegan burrito.
I LOVE social media.
I made my way in the business on social media.
I never, ever, ever made my business dependent on it.
I ALWAYS made sure I built and maintained my list.
Even during the period where I was barely working I always put
my list first.
I know...
I know..
Email is dead...
But when Facebook and messenger are down
And truthfully...
Email has always been the biggest money maker for all the big dogs
no matter what they tell you in order to sell you the hottest newest trend.
If you do not have a list I can not encourage you enough to get started on that.
I have a great course if you are the do it yourself kind of person
or I do work one on one with people to get theirs set up and running.
I also do private email copywriting if you have the list but you need the letters.
Trust me.
Build a list.
You'll thank me later.
Especially on days like this.
<evil grin>
Let me get back to my coughing.
And I have some writing to do since I don't have any voice
to cut content with today.
I'll let my fingers do the talking.
P.S. Tonight my pals at My Lead System Pro are doing the last demo of
their new software that I am very excited about.
I hate to use lingo but this really will be a game changer for some folks...
Including me.
Expect to see some changes in my offerings due to the new software
which is so easy to use even the digital dingbat can run it!
If you want to take advantage of your last chance to see it join use