Exciting News...
If you have hung out with me much at all you have heard me refer to
my mentor time and time again.
The man who taught me how to THINK and all about how people think.
I worked closely with him for 6 years and during that time I learned
how to transition from a housewife peddling diet pills to a top earner
and leader in the industry.
He had always told me he would go one day...
But this dude was serious.
And one day he just declared he was DONE and he left the
industry and went back to his other business interests.
And while that day was one of my worst days as I was shattered that
he was leaving...
I look back now and realize it was my turning point.
This was when I realized just how high I could FLY.
So I was pretty excited when he called me today and said he wanted to come
out and do a call with me this week.
And I am here to invite you to that call.
We'll be getting together Wednesday at 2 p est.
And you can register HERE
And YES...You can invite anyone you like
This is open to the public.
He rarely comes out so do all you can to be there.
I can not guarantee we will release the recording.
He may decide he does not want it out.
And this is a one time only thing.
Join us...
Wednesday 2 pm est.
And meet the man who molded me.
See you then...