The Phone Rang And When I Heard The News I Jumped Out Of Bed...
If you've been following along at all you heard I am up in New York with my family.
My mom had a fall a few weeks ago and after she was discharged from the hospital they sent her to a sub acute facility to finish healing.
We have been bringing my dad up there twice a day for weeks now and quite frankly my work has suffered but isn't the
reason we build residual income so we can BE THERE when our family needs us?
So anyways...
I had gotten back from running my dad to Poughkeepsie, gotten into my PJs and settled down.
I'm a girl who hasn't commuted in 25 years and isn't used to the cold anymore.
Now I was driving 2 hours a day in the freezing cold and dealing with the frustration of a broken medical system that treats the elderly as disposable.
The stress is
I was TIRED.
So I snuggled up to watch a little youtube before I turned in and then the phone rang.
My mother was being sent to the ER.
I leapt up and threw on clothes...woke my dad and while he was putting on pants I went to auto start the car.
I opened the front door and yelled...
It had snowed.
Now I had to clean the car and drive in the pitch black on dark roads into a city that I haven't been in since
And this is life...
A long series of unexpected circumstance...
Some are pure light and joy and others gut wrenching and full of sorrow.
This has been a very trying period for my family but I have peace in knowing that
I have spent almost half my life teaching people how to make money from home...
How to be able to come and go as they please...
How to bring up your kids and not have to
How to travel the world without worrying and on your own schedule
And unfortunately now I get to share how to BE THERE for your parents when they are elderly and can't do for themselves.
The irony is that everyone told me that what I do for a living is a scam or foolish and that I should get a real job.
But now when it counts most I am the one that is completely free to travel to my parents and stay here as long as needed
without worrying about paid time off or anything else for that matter.
And no...
I am not telling you this to brag.
Furthest thing from it.
I am sharing this in pure humility
Revealing personal business which I rarely do
( marriage broke up years ago and no one knew for months on end...I'm not one for drama or to air dirty laundry)
But this is just too important to not share and talk to you about.
If you're reading this
letter I KNOW you want to make money and free yourself.
I KNOW you want to be able to BE THERE for whatever is most important to YOU.
And yes...I have programs to do this with..
But I am not here to pitch you.
I'm here to BEG you not to wait.
Don't wait for the right timing
Or the "right program"
Or the "right product"
Or the "right mentor"
Or the right whatever you think you are
There's NEVER a right time, program, product, mentor
Yada Yada Yada
This is all about YOU deciding you want something different.
YOU voting for yourself.
And YOU grasping that you build residual income little by little until it turns into something that just keeps growing in its own.
Just a few weeks ago I started a new project.
You probably heard me talking about it...
The Triple Residual Pack
And in a month and a
half around the total chaos with my mom's situation
Without being at my desk
Or in my home...
Without focus
Without help
I built a NEW 5k a month residual income flow.
On it's way to six figures.
And yeah...
I have experience and a list and skills and all that jazz...
But how do you think I got all that???
By putting in the effort and doing the work.
And I no longer want to spend time with anyone that thinks that
pennies will fall from the heavens and they're gonna get rich because of a new "patented nutraceutical or "FDA grade medical device" or the new "fountain of youth" or whatever is the flavor of the week.
Trust me...
I've seen it all.
Years ago I salivated at all the money I was going to make with that hot new thing only to figure out that the same people seemed to be the ones making all the money while I was running up my credit card bill.
And this is why I am NOT
asking you to buy anything.
I'm asking you to really ask yourself...
If my mother or my father or my child or grandchild NEEDED me,..
And if the answer is NO then you really gotta sit down and pray a bit
(or what ever it is that you do)
What good is all the fancy stuff they dangle in front of you like a carrot to get you to trot when your mother is hurt.
Do you think she cares about what kind of car you drive or what kind of
handbag you carry?
Or does she just want you to BE THERE and hold her hand.
And what if you could hold her hand without worrying about money.
How valuable would that be?
Just some thoughts from a semi delirious daughter who is exhausted but who knows how very blessed she is.
And that blessing came from believing in myself and surrounding myself with people that would cheer me on.
I'd like to be one of the people that does that for
Don't wait anymore...
Because you never know when that call is coming.
Life can change on a dime.
And when it does
I want you to BE THERE.
Much Love,