When You Get Old Things Change
It's weird...
All of a sudden the things that were so important to you are not really important at all.
They money, the stages, the cars, the jewelry...
Just not as important.
You know what becomes important?
Tomorrow I am heading back up to New York to help my parents some more.
My mom is still in a rehab
center to recover from a fracture and we are working on long term solutions as her dementia has progressed significantly and we want her to be safe.
It's a hard time.
It's a stressful time.
And yet I am finding it to be a VERY SPECIAL time as I get to be present for my parents without worrying too much about money coming in.
Of course I need to do my ZERO LEVEL MARKETING (IYKYK) and fit things in to the NOOKS AND CRANNIES of my
But all in all...
I'm good.
I have TIME and PEACE
When you're younger you think that car or Chanel bag is more important...
When you're older you grasp that no car or handbag is going to give you back the minutes that are most precious in life.
That's why I've dedicated my career to people that seek
(and throw in a side of FREEDOM)
I have to admit
that over the years I have gotten frustrated trying to get people to let go of the "Making Money" mindset and move into the TIME and PEACE mindset but then I realized that the one that needed to LET GO was me.
Most people will never take the time to train their minds to think differently and because of that most people will never enjoy TIME and PEACE.
It just is what it is.
And then there are others that will GROW OLDER and start to realize that all the things they dangled
in front of you mean NOTHING at a certain point of life.
And that being able to hold your Dad's hand knowing you will not have many more chances or hearing the stories he never told you before because he was too busy working is PRICELESS.
Or bringing your mom her favorite bagel or mashed potatoes to comfort her in a strange place would be more valuable than any thing you could ever buy.
I'm out of here early tomorrow...
Flying through Atlanta with a 3.5 hour layover
that I will spend in the Centurion Club having breakfast and working with the folks who have decided to get The Triple Residual Pack with me.
I've set up a private Discord, a private newsletter and I'm working on a private YouTube play list only for these folks.
They have each set a GATEWAY GOAL and we're gonna go out there and hit it with the plan of TIME and PEACE.
And yes...MONEY.
Because without money it's hard to hit your objective.
Take a look
There's a lot of people out there that make a lot of money.
But how many have TIME and PEACE?
Not so many.
And I just can not take you down the exhausting road of chasing people.
I never have.
You know why?
Because WHEN YOU GET OLD the last thing you are gonna wanna do is chase after people and tell them it's only a $1 to get in or whatever the flavor du jour is.
(And no...I'm not knocking anyone or anything...just saying
it's not what you're gonna want to still have to do later on)
If you're old like me and are ready for TIME and PEACE and some serious community and mentorship hit me up.
My cell is 860 218-9912.
I'll be hanging in Atlanta with my phone and 3 hours to connect with folks that are hearing my message.
You are probably laughing and thinking...
Diane...You're not old!
And no...my body is not.
But my SOUL always has been.
Since I was a little
And early on I KNEW that the work a day world was not for me.
If it had been you'd be looking at a Spanish teacher who could not take off any time to care for my parents.
And that would have broken my heart.
So I thank God every day that I was the WEIRD KID who never wanted to do what most folks do.
Even in my business.
Because when you do what most folks do you get what most folks get.
Even in the Biz Op World.
Look around and you'll
know it's true.
860 218-9912.
And remember...
I have ZERO interest in convincing you and I DON'T need your money.
I just want to help those that grasp that what I am saying here is TRUE
Much Love,
The Old But Cute Girl Who Got To Be A Stay At Home Mom
And Now Gets To Be A Stay At Home Daughter
P.S: Whenever I write a letter like this people
I get it.
I upset them.
I'm not showing them "how to make money" fast enough so they leave.
Or I speak A TRUTH that jars them.
So they hit the button and GO.
But before you do...
Ask yourself
When is the last time I felt PEACE?
If it was a long time ago maybe just maybe decide to not hit that button just yet.
Hang around a little longer and let your soul ruminate on the
messages I'll be bringing you versus letting your ego knee jerk you around.
(How dare you Diane!)
I know...
I know...
But I truly care so I just have to see if I can get you to stay just one letter longer.
Just one.
And then decide.
Or go if you must...
Just know I am rooting for you.