When I started my business back in 99 long distance calls cost a
There was no viable internet
And the only way to learn was to go to a meeting and get some "dittos' they printed out to try to teach you how to do the biz.
Ad samples and the like all printed out on paper that we would hand write our contact info on and bring to the printers to make blurry fluers to plaster all over town.
That was all we had.
Our mouths, a 5 by 8 card file box to keep track of our customers and reps and some handwritten photocopies ads.
Nothing more.
Fast forward a few years a lot of the bigger distributors created online training systems for their teams and replicated websites for the group to use.
It was pretty cool but you couldn't customize anything or brand yourself in any way.
Then more software rolled out and it became accessible for more people to build their own funnels and marketing systems but it was technical and costly.
Trust me...I spent a pretty penny and many late nights trying to make this all work.
So when the affiliate program I work with came out with a DREAM SOLUTION last week I was elated.
Finally a way for THE AVERAGE GUY to build their own sales system and training resources that they can give to their team for less than $50 a month and it even includes a high end customer relationship manager so you can keep track of your prospects and follow up professionally.
Never could I have ever imagined something like this would be accessible at this price point.
You can learn to make a page quickly and easily and then generate a code that your team can copy and paste to duplicate you.
You can create dynamic training sites that you have full control over so you can store your trainings and ads, graphics and videos for people to access and download.
And the kicker is that it is EASY to use...even for Digital Dingbats like me!
Right now they even have a special going on where you can get a whole years membership and not one but TWO workshops for only $499
If you have a team and you've been looking for a solution...
This is it.
And I am so excited about it that I am inviting you to a little huddle Monday night so I can show you how I have set up my own system and what you could do with yours
In order to be invited you just need to grab the Ultimate Attraction Marketing Bundle for $1 and check off the red box so you get 14 days for free in the system so you can poke around inside the software over the rest of this week so you are ready to mess with it come Monday night.
Sign up HERE
Then write me back and let me know you did.
Worse case scenario you get the whole attraction marketing bundle and get to see behind the scenes how I am using this software to build a team for $1.
If you don't like it you cancel and are not charged a monthly.
Best case scenario you are excited by what you see and you still have time to get that super offer on an annual account which includes all the tools and not one but TWO amazing workshops on how to use social to generate leads for your program.
It's really amazing what is available today and I want to help YOU learn how to use it to build the business you deserve.
Imagine how easy it would be to attract people if you have your own pages, resources and training for them.
I was taught a long time ago...
People don't buy the program...
They buy the system.
They need to BELIEVE that they can do it and when you set them up to win they come in droves.
And I am gonna let you peek at EXACTLY how I do it.
This Monday.
So jump in...let me know you did...poke around in the back office over the weekend and let me make your jaw drop on Monday!
Excited to show you.
Diane "The Digital Dingbat Who Could" Hochman
P.S. If you ever worked with me in this program before and kinda drifted off I HIGHLY recommend you come back and take a look.
You'll be SHOCKED at the changes.