So tonight's the big announcement webinar.
I've been trying for several days to set you up to capitalize on it.
You may think that you're totally not interested
but if you are any kind of marketer who likes
Big Commissions
then you know that being able to promote something
that pays big ticket payments by putting in only $1
is just smart business.
What if you just hit up your peeps and tell them
you are going to check this out tonight and invite them
to COME WITH YOU and you give them your link that
you got for that whopping $1 investment???
And what if one of them happened to be interested
in the new software and done for you courses that
you can sell and keep 100% of the money and all the goodies.
And what if your phone dings and you see you have made some money.
One day of effort.
$1 invested.
Like I said....
But hey...
If you prefer struggle...
I get it.
But if by any chance you want to get that link GO HERE...
Grab this summit class and that gets you a log in
and access to the back office where you can grab a link to
tonight's shindig.
There's even swipe for you and I will be around all day
helping out folks in my Facebook group which I can put you in
if you hit me back after you spend your dollar.
Bring your posse to the show tonight...
Come yourself.
If it sucks do nothing.
But if it's good...
And it WILL BE...
Maybe one of your gang will want it and you'll make five benjamins.
Maybe two will want it.
Or three..
Or if you are a PLAYA what if ten wanted it.
Thats a nice pay day for a $1 investment
(plus you get to keep the summit thingy which yours truly taught in)
And ya...
There's a way to bump your commissions up big time but that's too much information for now.
The key is to get on the field and PLAY.
This offer only comes but once a year...
It's basically our Black Friday where we give away the farm.
Some people's lives will change tonight because they will have their first TRUE BIG TICKET EXPERIENCE.
There is nothing like looking at 4 or 5 figures in your inbox.
It's euphoric.
But of course it can't happen if you don't participate.
I know..
I know...
"You want to see what it is before you invite anyone."
That's the song of people who MISS THE BUS.
Analysis Paralysis and all that jazz.
The other option is to invite and say you have no idea what it is but you are going to check it out and if it sucks say OH WELL to the folks you invited.
Say ...well glad we checked it out and move on.
Say OMG...I'm so glad we checked this out!
This is awesome!
And if one of them buys it and you are looking at $500 smackeroos!
And of course we will have bonuses to encourage people
to take action tonight so if you wait you LOSE that advantage
The choice is yours.
I'm just trying to do you a solid.
Ya feel me?
Ok..I gotta blow...
Busy day.
If you need me...
Text me...
Number is below.
Make sure you say who it is and what you need.
You'd be stunned by the number of people who text and assume you know who they are...
No name...
No context.
Weak positioning to get help.
Today's the day.
Warm up and HIT THE FIELD.
Or watch from the stands.
I'll love you no matter what <3
Diane LOMBARDI Hochman
“The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.”
Talking to you one more time JUST INCASE