Dime A Dozen...
Due to the outrageous inflation lately maybe we're talking a
Buck a bunch.
But the bottom line is that most marketers online today walk alike, talk alike, sound alike, smell alike...
Ain't nuttin original about them at all.
Then they all get the same websites, brand colors, link in bio pages, header graphics, fonts and tag lines.
They all "help people who _________"
And they all offer a discovery session for their coaching.
And quite frankly they all all petrified of their own shadows but they are putting on a great show on social.
And one last thing...
The dime a dozen crowd had ground themselves into business debt because they keep buying stuff but don't follow through.
Every 28 days the reminder comes in the mail about what they didn't do and for how long they have not done it.
If you identify with this..
I feel ya.
But don't beat yourself up.
You have been trained since you were 5 to follow the crowd.
But ever notice that following the crowd to try to make a buck leaves you feeling empty and alone?
Why is that?
Because you have not tapped into YOUR personality, YOUR gifts and most importantly...
Which is hard to do when you are sitting in a sea of ducks.
You know...
If they look like a duck and they walk like a duck and they quack like a duck...
They're a duck.
And flapping your flippers just don't suit you.
You were born to GLIDE.
(I know you are nodding your head right now)
(Bobbing up and down)
I'm killing you softly.
I know your story.
You didn't get in to this to be in happy clappy prison.
You're so much more.
You're my kind.
And even if you are timid right now and not sure of yourself ...
Deep down inside you KNOW that you are a STAR.
You wouldn't have stuck around this long if you didn't.
In fact...
Did you realize you subscribed to my list on ???
You've been grooving and growing with me.
You know I'm not like the other gurus.
In fact...
I'm not a guru at all.
Just a girl who would not be denied.
How bout you?
You gonna be denied?
You gonna quack your way into a roll of dimes and live like that?
Or do you want to make your business your lifestyle and your lifestyle your business?
Up to you...
I'll be over here gliding.
Ease and flow...
Loving on me and others.
And then they give me money...
You kinda want to give me some money right now...
Don't you?
I mean who else knows you like I do?
Who else can see in to your soul.
Who else knows that you are ORIGINAL and SPECIAL and that you deserve a different life?
Do this to relieve yourself.
GO HERE and give me $1.
For that dollar I will give you a summit thingy.
Inside of that summit thingy are two courses I taught.
They will help you.
But even better.
When you give me one dollar for how I made you FEEL today...
(Remember what it feels to be ALIVE????)
I will invite you to my Facebook group where I talk about making money in a way that doesn't make you skeeve.
In fact...
We have a great offer coming out this week that I can show you how to promote if you'd like to make some nice pops selling something that MAKES SENSE.
The new frontier on the internet is about self expression.
It's about being YOU and not anyone else.
It's about love and transparency and SIMPLICITY.
And oh yeah...
It's about GETTING PAID for just that.
I've been leading the way for years on end and now it's OUR TIME.
The dime a dozen crowd is gonna be poop out of luck soon.
It's already happening.
Go look at Tik Tok for 10 minutes and tell me I'm wrong.
The wind she is a blowing...
Artificial Intelligence is replacing humans.
All except the ones that decide to go ALL IN on who they are and what they have to say.
Even if what you have to say is just a bunch of FART JOKES.
Because having the guts to DO YOU in your farty glory is what people want to look at today.
Tik Tok--Self Expression
Reels --Self Expression
NFTs--Self Expression
But I know you "Help people who_______"
I help people who help themselves.
Go give me a dollar HERE
Help me help you.
Or at the very least hit reply and tell me that fart joke.
I need a laugh...
But if you are in for a buck I will help you BUST OUT of DIME A DOZEN PRISON once and for all.
Wouldn't it be cool if I inserted a picture of a stack of hundreds here like all the slicksters do?
Or a pink sparkly diamond graphic for the ladies??
But alas...
It's just me and some fart jokes.
Fart jokes are cool.
And hey...
If you don't take the time to laugh life will KNOCK THE WIND OUT OF YOU...
Get it???
The wind out of you???
That's a fart.
A big smelly loud fart.
Roll em down kids.
Open those windows...
Dad had beans at the BBQ!
First I made you feel great.
Now I made you laugh
IMAGINE if you could learn to do that too!
People would give you a DOLLAR!
Did you give me a dollar yet?
What do you want???
Naked pictures?? (JUST SAY NO unless you are a BBW trpe!)
Ten percent of my annual income??? (That would be a nice check!)
My first born male child??? (Don't got one)
What do you want????
Give me that DOLLAR!
You KNOW you NEED to come hang with me!
What are you resisting?
I know!
Why sit with someone who can show you how to make money being YOU when you can be a BOSS BABE...
Spoon Dancer???
(not to be mistaken for a pole dancer...totally different thing!)
Do you need someone else to give you IDENTITY?
You're a TEN CENTER if you do.
Come one now...
You are at least a QUARTER!
Ok...I suppose I have said my piece.
Why do you have to watch out for ninjas’ farts?
They’re silent — but deadly.
Two flies are sitting on a piece of poop.
One fly farts and the other fly cries, “Hey! I’m trying to eat here!”
Why won’t the skeleton fart in public?
He doesn’t have the guts.
Why did the woman stop telling fart jokes?
She was told that his jokes stink.
I gotta a million of em!!!
Signed ,
Diane "Give Me A Buck" Hochman
P.S. I'm working with my peeps today so if you give me a buck make sure you hit me back to get in to my SECRET CHAMBER.
P.S.S. I'm not afraid to pander for a buck when I know it will tilt your world.