One of my favorite things to do is write a series of letters that makes me my income for the month so I can goof
off and love on people for the rest of the time.
Between building up residual income in a bunch of affiliate programs and building a list of hungry buyers I have pretty much been able to live the life or riley for years now.
I love being able to really sow in to people without the pressure of having to sell every day.
I did that when I was in my old M.LM and it was no fun.
So I decided not to do it anymore and instead learn a way to make all the money I needed in a few hours a month.
Five letters...Five figures...
Pretty common event in my business.
And today in my All Access Pass I will be teaching the letter types I use to do that and we will be practicing them TOGETHER.
I haven't done too much to promote the PASS this month but this is your last chance to get in for February.
The All Access Pass is $1000 for 12 months.
I do AT LEAST 10 hours of clinics a month for members so we are talking $8 or LESS an hour to learn the skills that can change your life forever.
Can you imagine writing five letters and making five figures?
But it takes PRACTICE and that's what my PASS is all about.
So listen....
I don't have time to pull up the link or anything right now...
I have class at 3 est.
Let's do this...
If you would like to attend the actual clinic today at 3 est to see what this is all about OR watch the replay hit me back and say I wanna write five letters and make five figures.
Only those that reply TODAY and either attend live or watch the replay by tomorrow at midnight will have the option to join THE PASS this month.
Starting tomorrow I will be working on a campaign that will last all the way until the end of the month so the doors will be shut until next month.
Plus today is our first session of the month and I only want to open the doors once a month or every other month so people are getting the full value of the clinics.
If you want to spy today message me back NOW and I will give you the link to attend for F.REE or watch the replay.
If you love what we do you can join us for the rest of the year but you MUST make arrangements with me by tomorrow so you can be on board.
And hey...
If you are happy scrambling to make a buck and don't want to learn these skills...
I get it.
Lots of people love the Merry Go Round ride.
Not me though.
So I decided to just GET OFF.
I gotta run...
I'll be checking for requests to join us aroud 2:30 est.
Hit me back so I can get you in.
If you are committed to watch the replay by tomorrow let me know that too.
I am going to put the video up with a timer so it will turn off when the clock strikes twelve.
he All Access Pass is a VERY special place...
For VERY special people.
I'm giving a sneak preview today.
Not sure I will do it again.
We'll see.
These skills are very valuable.
I want to give them to the right folks. of my students is writing at a level that is bringing her sales and recruits like magic and she started with ZERO experience.
Imagine what's possible for you.
Hope to see you in class,
Diane "Five Figure Magic Letters" Hochman