I stroke it to the east
And I stroke it to the west
And I stroke it to the MARK that I love the best
I be strokin'
Stroking Greed...
It's the oldest trick in the book.
The line "Show Me The Money" made the movie
Jerry Maguire a huge hit.
Everyone wants it.
Everyone has it.
And there are industries that thrive by stroking it.
Stroking Greed Works!
Only one problem...
Most people can't do it.
They buy in based on having their greed stroked but then when they try to get the next person to buy in they shut down.
And so you have LEGIONS of terrific people that get STUCK because they can't get anyone to go their way.
The spouse is mad...
You feel despondent
And the credit card bills keep a coming.
You can't cause someone else to go through what you went through so you might as well hang it up and QUIT.
You get paralyzed.
What you need to do is learn to tame your own greed and stop looking for EASY STREET and then learn how to sell without having to trigger THE BIG G.
Become neither the victim nor the victimizer.
And besides...
It's getting harder and harder to be a greed monger.
People are on to the bullshit.
So why even go there...
Waste of time if you ask me.
Stroking Greed is for those that won't build skills or who understand the skills but find it easier and faster to play the money game.
But alas...they never really get to the money they make believe they're making.
They can never really be at peace.
They never know if collapse is around the corner.
I don't know about you but I can't live that way.
I'm weird but I still like a little stability.
Do you?
If so you may want to consider joining us for my All Access Pass.
A year of learning REAL SKILLS that will pay you for a lifetime.
First session for February is this Sunday.
Plus there's all of January's sessions to review.
We work on the REAL stuff.
Communications skills, writing skills, making offers, TRULY understanding your prospect...
You know...
The stuff that will pay you for a lifetme.
You can keep chasing the buck.
And I appreciate that.
Most people do.
Waiting to become a star fleet commander in your M.LM.
Fantasizing about sipping out of coconuts on the beaches of the world.
Imagining you are gonna recruit THE MAGIC DOWNLINE...
Treating business like a lottery ticket.
That's most people.
I started that way.
I actually bought a pin for the highest rank in my company off of ebay and wore it on my bra strap under my blouse because I thought that would make it happen.
You would think that the idea that you could buy one of those pins on ebay would have clued me in...
If it was SO precious and being that rank was so amazing why could I buy that pin for seventy five smackers in a second hand marketplace.
And yet you could...
And I did.
I sold my soul for a while.
Made believe I was something I was not.
And then one day I was REBORN into reality and I stopped playing games with other people's dreams.
Fast forward a decade and a half and I am still here teaching REAL SKILLS to REAL PEOPLE
I don't need to trigger your greed...
I am here to trigger your GREATNESS.
Much Love,
P.S. The All Access Pass is $1000 for 12 months of ten hours or more of instruction and SKILLS WORKSHOPS.
If you are ready to learn I am here for you.