I read a lot.
Which is kinda weird since I have ADHD and had trouble reading in school.
I still do if I have to read something I don't want to read.
But when I am reading something that interests me I can devour content quickly.
And the thing that interests me most is marketing so I do consume a lot of marketing books.
I have a very broad base of book knowledge about marketing and I can keep up with world class folks in conversation at any event, any day of the week.
And this is important...
Book knowledge or webinar knowledge or podcast knowledge etc is NOT the same as EXPERIENCE.
And experience only comes in two forms...
Your own trial and error and that of a mentor.
That's why I created my All Access Pass.
To give folks the opportunity to sit with me and use my experience to help them move faster.
For ten (or more) hours every month I work with my gang and show then the stuff that they just can't learn in those other venues.
Not a course...
Not a challenge...
Not a weekend event.
Ya just gotta get in the trenches with an EXPERIENCED instructor and DO.
A friend of mine made a funny analogy about this....
Can you imagine if Daniel San tried to learn karate kicks from a book?
It would take an awful long time to learn...
If ever.
But when he trained with Mr.Miyagi and did all the weird stuff that just didn't seem to make sense before long he hadn't just learned to kick...
That's when you don't need to think about it any more.
You ARE the marketing.
The marketing is YOU.
The pain and struggle goes away and it all becomes EFFORTLESS.
If you're like most you will think that's bullshit and go back to your books and courses or go buy some very overpriced coaching from under qualified people.
Ad I understand why...
Everyone thought Miyagi was weird.
His methods were weird.
He looked like a little old guy certainly not up to going at it with the big tough karate gurus.
He was quiet and looked for that one student he could give his life's work to.
He was not concerned with all the lights and glory.
He liked to work on his cars and his bonsais.
He had no interest in chasing or bullying people.
He just did his thing.
And he knew a TRUE student when he saw one.
Me too.
I look for them.
And then I watch to see if they can follow a direction.
If they have initiative.
If they are willing to put in the reps.
I'm so committed to it that I show up every month...
Month in and month out to work with those that say they want to learn.
It's about to be time to open the doors to the All Access Pass again for quarter 2.
I open once every 3 months and look for the right additions to the dojo.
If you are happy with books...
This is probably not for you.
But if you in fact are ready to step into the ring...
Stay tuned.
Spring is upon us.
And blooming will be done.
Talk soon...
And hey...
Let me know what you are reading.
Or if you are wanting to read anything in particular.
I have a bunch of books I am wanting to pass on.
I might just have what you are looking for.
And if you are tired of being on the Home Business Merry Go Round I might just have some help for you there too.