A lot of people are looking for marketing tricks...
And I have to admit...
I like them too.
Nothing like a good loophole or worm hole.
But the thing I learned very early on is that those things are fleeting and never last.
You think you are rocking and rolling...you've finally hit the pot of gold and then it EVAPORATES in a blink.
It's gone.
OUCH that hurts.
Or maybe you've never tasted success at all and are still chasing.
I feel ya.
But that is EXACTLY why I cured my addiction for quick fixes and instead focused in on my mindset, governing philosophy, skill sets and most of all my knowledge of the marketplace.
The days of making a bunch now knowing much are over.
And even if you did hit it in a program you leave yourself in grave danger if you don't educate yourself.
So is it important to learn marketing?
Take a look around.
I've been singing this song for 20 years.
Now all the major players are singing it.
In fact I see one M.LM ENCOURAGING their reps to "BRAND THEMSELVES"
I predict the first of many as they all catch up to today's communication methods and the ability to acquire more customers through online personalities.
So ya...
Learning marketing is more important than ever.
That's why I have my All Access Pass group where we workshop regularly on all things marketing.
Just did a class tonight and watched the AHAs happening in my students eyes.
Tonight we did money making email communications.
One of my favorites!
Just a little musing before bed.
Some thoughts for you.
Hope they served.
Your TRICKY Marketing Buddy...