My friend died yesterday.
And to be truthful...
I almost died in August.
I put on a good face but the after effects of my illness kept me a mess for some time.
I became very strict about my nutrition and rest because quite frankly I didn't want to die.
This former night owl was often in bed at 9.
I told all my colleagues I could not appear on evening webinars if they were going to run late and I did all I could to create a stress free environment in my home.
You may have noticed I have not been quite as visible in recent months.
And this is why.
My friend died yesterday.
He didn't have a chance to make those choices.
I did.
I have another friend who died recently not long before.
Both of these friends were about my age.
Both not much different than me.
Hard working good people.
But they died.
And I'm still here.
I don't know.
But I do know that I am called to do something and all of a sudden I realize how short time could be.
My friend died yesterday.
Another one not long before.
Have you ever really thought about TIME and how precious it is?
How we lose our hours to things that just don't matter...
So few of us are free to spend our minutes doing the things that we truly want to do.
So while it might look cool to talk about all the money I want to earn in 2022 that really just doesn't move me anymore...
My goal is to BE SOMEONE FOR SOMEONE and to share all I have learned about BEING FREE.
Because none of us knows when we will be leaving this plane.
My friend died yesterday...
One not long before.
And me...
I almost died in August.
I was given the gift of more days.
I intend to spend them wisely.
Helping the handful of people that truly understand what I am saying get their time back so they can do all they are meant to do.
My friend died yesterday.
And my heart is heavy.
But the only thing I can do to honor him is to LIVE and to TEACH.
And so I will.
15 of the 25 spots for my 2022 All Access Pass are spoken for.
Today is not the day to talk about what that is or how that works.
But it IS the day to say that if you need someone to BE someone for YOU...
I am here and I TRULY care about helping you get to the place where you belong in life.
My friend died yesterday.
I almost died in August.
Most people are dead inside...
Going through the motions of a daily life of monotony and unfulfillment.
Please...oh please...
Don't let that be you.
I love you and I want to spend next year with you.