Back in the day in New York City there was a radio shock jock named Don Imus.
I grew up in him and Howard Stern.
One did mornings and one did afternoon drive time.
Both of them had some pretty funny schtick most of which would not fly today.
Imus had a bit where he's call some important celebrity or politician and he's say
Hey Baby...What Chu Got On?
Which I always thought was hysterical considering he's be talking to Bob Dole or the like.
So when I sat down (actually I am standing at my standing desk today) to write you today for some reason that line popped in to my head...
Hey Baby...What Chu Got On?
I'm in pajamas still.
Well...not really pajamas...
More like LOUNGE WEAR.
I'm gonna clean up soon and put on something nice to shoot some videos but when I am writing in the mornings it's generally messy bun and something comfortable often whatever I slept in.
My mom would freak out if she only knew!
She's a GET UP AND GET DRESSED kind of gal and I was NEVER allowed to lounge around in my PJs.
I suppose that's why I love to do it so much today.
Ya ...that's me!
Rebelling against all the rules society tried to impose on me.
I obeyed into my 30's and then finally had to break free.
The box just doesn't work for me so I decided to extract myself from it.
And ya...
It took time and effort.
I had to learn to think in a whole new way.
But ever since I did I've never looked back.
So here I am in my PJs at absurd o'clock writing to you to see if you are sick and tired of the box or if you are ok with hanging out in there.
And hey...
There's NOTHING wrong with the box.
I just knew from the time I was 8 or 10 that I didn't belong in it.
I come from a long line of box dwellers and I am THANKFUL for the security that the box gave us.
Different times.
Different rules...
Different technology
And I guess little me somehow knew what was coming
And while I do not ridicule THE BOX I do believe it has become frail over the years.
So maybe even those of us that are content in the box should perhaps keep one foot on the outside just in case.
So this year I have decided to spend all my time with people who have decided to hone their skills and make a viable living outside of the box.
If that's you NOW is the time to connect with me.
My All Access Pass for 2022 offer ends at the stroke of midnight on December 22nd.
Ain't no where else you can access workshops and skills clinics like this for $1000 for a whole year.
True continuity in your education.
A person who will be there EVERY WEEK to work with you.
And yes....
You can wait and not take this deal but then if you want to come hang with the crew come January it will cost a whole lot more.
And here's the coolest part...
You can wear ANYTHING you want to the skills clinics.
You may even catch me in PJs now and again <3
And a messy bun of course!!!
That's one of the best parts of life out here.
No one tells me how to dress...
And I like that!
P.S. If you asked to sign up and I missed you because I was at my mama's for Christmas just let me know and I'll fix you up.