You can't fool yourself.
You can LIE to yourself...
But you never really fool yourself...
Do you?
Trust me...
I've tried!
Doesn't work.
So over the holidays I've been really taking stock of the lies I've told myself...
The TRUTHS I've told myself (Yes..there have been some of those too)
And then really taking a hard look at what I want for the coming years.
I'm not a kid anymore.
The stuff I used to want...
Well I either got it or I realized that it's not really what I want after all.
And after a lot of contemplation I realized that the thing I enjoy most is being in the trenches and TEACHING.
I used to teach daily.
I used to sit with people every single day and help them SEE what they needed to SEE in order to break free.
I used to lay hands on people in my little "marketing ministry" of free thinking types all the time.
And then life got in the way and while I made gobs of money it robbed me of the very thing I love.
Which is why I created my Skills Clinics and The All Access Pass.
So I can have a crew of people that want to spend a year learning and growing with me.
And I don't know where you are right now in your business but if there were ever a time to invest in spending some time with me ...
Trust Me...
NOW is the time to do it,
Something has come over me.
And not to be too WOO WOO but I am being told to TEACH and SIT with people while they LEARN
For me those 2 things go hand in hand.
Everyone wants to "teach you" but who is willing to sit with you through the actual learning???
Not many places to do that these days.
I have created one.
This is the last week I will be offering the annual all access pass.
If you have been on the fence and have questions please contact me.
If you are IN and want me to send you a payment link just let me know.
It's $1000 FOR THE YEAR.
For at least 10 hours of workshops and clinics a month.
Sometimes I question my sanity with this deal but then spirit tells me THIS is what I am supposed to be doing.
And so I AM.